Monday, May 31, 2010

My apologize to you!

I am sorry, that I haven't written here in the last few days. I've been quite busy actually, I had my maths exam today. It was quite easy, but I had forgotten few formulas, and it went right up the ... . I hope I get atleast 75% of the maximum points. Today was a sick training also! I haven't been to trainings since the beginning of May, so I was pretty much dying there.

The training consisted of 10 minutes of running for warm up, some stretches, then 20 minutes of running, 20 minutes of pumping iron, and last was a cherry on the cake - 8x365m 1 round fast, 1 slow. After that - death!

So much about today, I haven't had any thoughts lately, so I won't be talking about any thoughts this time. But hopefully the next time I will recoup it!

Feel free to comment!

Your blogwriter,

Friday, May 28, 2010

Perfect life - from my personal viewpoint

I'll start with a small introduction. I'm very young still, and I haven't accomplished anything big yet. So at the moment, this will probably be in the far future. Well I hope to become a billionaire, have a loving supersweet woman, as early as possible, but time will show...

Like I said in the last paragraph, I hope to become a billionaire(enough money for the rest of my life, without worrying about money), have an amazing woman(a woman who will make all my dreams come true) and hopefully have 2-3 happy children who I love to be together with. All that, while living in maybe the Maldives or in South-Africa(I just love that place!) or somewhere like that(in paradise).

I surely want to continue working, so that my life wouldn't get like being a homeless dude, except the thing that living in paradise and everything is there for you, what you wish. I definitely want to buy homes allover Europe. Probably in Estonia, Germany and England, maybe Sweden too. Ahh dreaming is wonderful!

Please leave a comment about your dream, or ommment mine!

Your blogwriter,

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How do you define luck?

I'd firstly thank you two people who liked my last post with the facebook like button. New people, if you like the post, come on, don't be afraid all you got to do is to click the Like button! Spread the love!

Okay, going to the main topic. What is luck? How do you define it? I really don't have the "correct" answer to it, but I have some thoughts about it. Eg A person who is lucky, has alot of luck, but what does he actually have? Is it consecuative small winnings in love, wealth, friends?

Agh, damit I just realised I'm not answering, I'm giving more questions! The main point is, that I would define luck through a person who is lucky. And a person who is lucky in my opinion, has everything what he ever has wanted to get & accomplish, and is living a happy life. I know that some people say, that a lucky person is somebody who wins in lotterys etc... But it's a short term luck! In the longer period of time, we all have the same chances to succeed! And the main reason why I'm talking about it, is that if you want to do something and thinking that, oh he's so good at it, I would never be able to do it, then you're wrong! There's an old saying:"The harder you work, the luckier you get"

How would you define luck? Comment it!

Your blogwriter,

Monday, May 24, 2010

The other day...

I was listening to Sir Ken Robinson's TED talk the other day and it made me think. It was about schools kill creativity. Actually they don't only kill creativity, they make us do what we might not love! For example, going to college/university is surely a MUST do thing nowadays, because it's the only way you can keep up with others. It is integrated into us almost from the kindergarten, children are being interviewed, whether or not they meet the requirements... oh that baby's three but like can't read? What has he done so far? Breastfeeding only? Is this the world we want to live in?

Oh well, I had some thoughts about it and the world is changing unbelievably quickly into a "do that to make living" model from "Do what you love!" model. Ofcourse we have much wider possibilities to do things that we like! But we can't find the soul, which will tell us, what we love to do the most, just because our desires are suppressed by stereotypical comprehension from school. And in fact, it's one of the main reasons why people drop out from school! They just don't have the heart to study on what they don't love!

Well, luckily I have the heart to keep my brain feeding with knowledge! Yeah, maybe the high school is a bit boring, but I like it! To be honest I have pretty clear sights, about what i'm going to do in the future, hopefully what I will love to do in the future!

What are Your thoughts about it?

Your blogwriter,

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rising to the top...

First of all, I want to thank you all, within the last two days, there has been already 50 unique visitors and the fact, that it's only a two-day-old blog, I'm glad! I hope you like what I've wrote so far, so leave a comment if you like, or if you don't, say what you don't like, in that way I can make it better for You!

Yesterday was a pretty amazing day. Waking up early, listening to some awesome music, going to Sakus spring fair, afterwards some grill with friends. Just an unbelievably good day! Thank you my friends!

Today, I'm feeling calm, but I want to do all kinds of stuff.

This song is just unbelievably good, and I feel the same like this song right now. It's 11.21 am here, so alot of time to do things. Maybe I'll write to You in the evening also. It's just a classy sunday!

I've got some new thoughts about social networking also. Watching some videos of Gary Vaynerchuk(he truly is a king of social networking), I've noticed, that only way you can be a true social networker, is to care about You. And that's what i'm going to do, I promise! You may leave comments in estonian if you like(if you can speak estonian), but preferrably in english, so everybody can understand it!

I thank You guys again!

Your blogwriter

Friday, May 21, 2010

"For a man to achieve all that is demanded of him he must regard himself as greater than he is." - Goethe

I found this video from You MUST watch it, seriously! It truly is amazing and to be honest, it is true! That's probably why I'm such an idealist and always trying to reach the highest goals in my life.

I may not succeed in building an empire, but I will give my best! And I hope you guys will give your best too!

Your blogwriter,

It's nice to meet you!


As many of you know, my name is Toomas. I'm shortly going to introduce myself. I live in Estonia, more precisely - Saku. I like solid style and I think, that I'm curious, maybe even too curious sometimes.

In this blog, I'm going to give you an overview about my life(the learning side of it) and entrepreneurship. I just love business, so hopefully, writing this blog, makes me want to learn more and more! I surely hope you will love reading my ideas. Definitely I will start making some reviews and criticisms about somebodys elses ideas.

Oh, and by the way, I am sorry to all you estonian folks, I won't be writing the blog in estonian, because the audience isn't big enough.

So far so good, have fun following me!

Your blogwriter,