Monday, May 24, 2010

The other day...

I was listening to Sir Ken Robinson's TED talk the other day and it made me think. It was about schools kill creativity. Actually they don't only kill creativity, they make us do what we might not love! For example, going to college/university is surely a MUST do thing nowadays, because it's the only way you can keep up with others. It is integrated into us almost from the kindergarten, children are being interviewed, whether or not they meet the requirements... oh that baby's three but like can't read? What has he done so far? Breastfeeding only? Is this the world we want to live in?

Oh well, I had some thoughts about it and the world is changing unbelievably quickly into a "do that to make living" model from "Do what you love!" model. Ofcourse we have much wider possibilities to do things that we like! But we can't find the soul, which will tell us, what we love to do the most, just because our desires are suppressed by stereotypical comprehension from school. And in fact, it's one of the main reasons why people drop out from school! They just don't have the heart to study on what they don't love!

Well, luckily I have the heart to keep my brain feeding with knowledge! Yeah, maybe the high school is a bit boring, but I like it! To be honest I have pretty clear sights, about what i'm going to do in the future, hopefully what I will love to do in the future!

What are Your thoughts about it?

Your blogwriter,


  1. I think like.. im totally going to be a poof. It's the best thing to do. Bout the education stuff, then you dont need to keep up with anybody, cuz look around, people are retaarded. Only thing you do need to learn, is how to shoot zombies, that will come in handy in life.
