Saturday, June 19, 2010

The last days

Firstly I would say sorry to all of you, who were waiting for me to write something. I hope there are people who are always happy to see me posting again, hehe.

So, I went on a road trip on 13th of june and got home on 17th of june. Over 1000 km were driven. We started from Tallinn, first day headed to Saaremaa. By the way, I'm halfly from Saaremaa. We got on the ferry right away, so we didn't have to wait. We made a sauna tent, it was almost like a real sauna, freaking awesome! Saaremaa was supercool!

The next day, we went to Tõstamaa - near Pärnu. We worked a bit, in reward we had free food and sauna. It's nice to be at the countryside for some time.

Now we're in the 3rd day of the trip and we went to Valga. My brother's girlfriend's parents live there. We worked a little bit again, but the sauna was super! I've never been to so good sauna before! Excellent!

4th Day was tourist day, we went to Suur Munamägi, Piusa caves and Taevaskoja. Tired of being a stupid tourist, we set our wheels towards Tartu. A small shopping at Lõuna Keskus and off to RMK houses at Kauksi village. Kauksi is along the coast of Peipsi at north. The sky was clearest that day, to our luck! I'd love to go there some day again! And we woke up with a clear sky also!

On our way home, we went through Rakvere, and saw the Tarvas - a huge bull! We got home like 6-7 PM.

To summarize everything, I would say, Estonia is so beautiful! I hope I won't be leaving Estonia for a longer period of time, never! Here's so much places to be at! I love Estonia!

Your blogwriter,

Friday, June 11, 2010

Energy crisis

I want you to look at this video. Watch the whole video! What do you think? Do we need nuclear energy or not? Write your thoughts into the comments!

I've always been for the nuclear energy. For example, in Estonia, we can't get enough power from wind/solar/hydro, for the whole country, even though our country is small. Ofcourse the technology will become better and better, but we don't have the technology what will help us through the crisis! And the good thing is, that they are recycling the warheads to something else - nuclear energy. So to sum it up, I think the nuclear energy is the future.

Your blogwriter,

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Last day of the Russian trip 05.05

Ahh, sorry for writing about the whole trip for 3 days. It's been pretty exhausting training days and in the mornings, I'm just not interested in writing at blog. Sorry folks!

So, I'll start from the morning and move on from there. We woke up a bit earlier this time, because the breakfast had been 7:15 AM and the bus left 7:45AM. We had a rough, rocking night, and only about 4 hours of sleep. God dam it! Oh well, after eating our disgusting breakfast, we started rolling!

At first we headed to some kind of church, it was colossal! Heh, pretty spacious inside too! There was a famous icon, what's name I don't remember, as usual! I just have bad memory on names. Walked through the church, the market was just few hundred metres from there, so we headed to the market on foot. I disliked it! It was filthy and every god damn salesman was selling some crappy quality women stuff. I felt actually quite irritated, because of my tummy again. Like my mom said, whenever you get to Russia, stomach starts aching, when you leave Russia, everything is super!

So, the church was colossal and the market boring and disgusting. We went to our bus, so we could drive to some kind of fortress, what lies in the river named Neva. The fortress was awesome, we saw the graves of the czars, beginning from Peter the great(I hope his name is written in english like that). Well anyway, so we saw the graves and then we went to the jailhouse, where no convict has ever escaped from. A lot of the people have died in that jail! Nowadays it's a museum ofcourse. Having ran through the buildings, we waited for the ceremony of the midday, the cannon was shot exactly at 12:00 AM. It was fantastic and very entertaining! Having seen the fortress we went to the legendary warship "Aurora". Neat, I would say for that! Okay, i'm tired again about writing this post... So i'll make it short. We went to a shop after that, to buy food for the rest of our ride. The time we rode to Estonia was used to sleep. Everybody got home safe and untouched. And here the story ends.

I think the trip was worth it. You sometimes gotta live through such fear factors, so you can value the things you have! Cheers everybody, I'm out!

Your blogwriter,

Monday, June 7, 2010

The second day of the Russian trip

So, I'll go on where I finished yesterday. The second day - 04.06.10, Friday.

We woke up at 7:00 AM, because the breakfast was at 7:30 AM, so we had enough time to clean ourselves. Atleast enough time for me! The breakfast was pretty disgusting, one and a half boiled wieners, some salad, sandwiches(pretty awful bread and ham), and dessert was some dry pancakes with something what tried to be a cherry marmelade. Breakfast thrown down the throat, we headed to the bus.

At first we went to a supermarket and arrived there like 9:40 AM. We were like WEE atlast, something to eat - MacDonalds, but then I spotted KFC! Unluckily Me and my Friend had to wait at the door for like ten minutes, because they opened it from 10:00 AM. The clock ticked 10:00 AM and a lady opened the door. We thought and discussed what to eat and we found a solution - Chicken bucket! 30 Chicken wings! Ahh they were delicious and the bucket costed only like 15$! All our diastematics were filled with chicken. A bit of spicyness on the tongue - excellent! Having our tummys full, we headed to the bus. I don't remember exactly where the bus took us, but it was some kind of palace, where there was the world famous amber room. Pretty huge palace I would say! Everything was covered with gold, as usual. After the walkaround the palace, we had some time to buy souvenires, but I didn't like anything, nothing special to buy. The next sightseeing was the Hermitage. It used to be a winter palace, but now it's one of the biggest, if not the biggest, museums in the whole world. Having about 3 million pieces of art in there. It was awesome! I really liked it, although I was quite tired. If I remember correctly, we didn't do anything more that day. We went to a supermarket again and again I visited KFC. Off to our hotel! The night was pretty long! Some people played "Michael Jackson Game", so they ran like supermans inside the hotel, wearing only underwear. We were beaten to bed at 2:30 AM, we would have liked to be up a hour or so more. That was pretty sad.

Ahhhh, again I wrote it so long. I hope you don't mind if I write the 3rd day, what's shorter tomorrow. I know I promised to write the other 2 days yesterday, but I feel very tired because of my training.

Your blogwriter,

Sunday, June 6, 2010

St. Petersburg - from 03.06.10 to 05.06.10

I went to Russia - St. Petersburg to be exact. The trip lasted for 3 days and I went there by bus with my class and eleventh graders. Ride was long and exhausting, but we made it to Russia and back and happily!

The first day - Thursday 03.06. I woke up 3:45 AM, having just enough time to wash myself, pack my things, eat and drive 2,5km to school. The bus headed out 5:00 AM, then I realised, that I had forgotten home my playing cards. Oh well, so on our way to Russia, we made a pee-stop at a random gas station just before Jõhvi. We had like an hour drive to go to the border. Unluckily we had to stand at the border for almost three hours.

Arriving to Russia was clearer than the difference of black and white - everything was so damaged and like in the old times(soviet union times). Even the 10 year olds steal there. The roads had more holes than the Dutch cheese! Luckily the gas was 2 times cheaper than in Estonia. Firstly we went to Peterhoff, what is a small 80 000 population suburb of St. Petersburg, there was a summer palace with 150 fountains if i remember correctly. It was amazing! I've never seen so much gold and fountains combined together! Unfortunately I had a stomach ache, so I couldn't enjoy it to the fullest. We were there for about 3 hours. Then we headed to St.Petersburg. I got pretty sleepy and sleeped for like 3 hours, meanwhile we had been stuck in heavy traffic. When we got to the place where we could go on a boat what sailed around the canals, we found out, that it happened to be really cheap and we could go right away. The canal ride, was awesome! We saw most of the old city and city centre within 1 hour! So, the canals were awesome, we started driving out of the city to our hotel. We got there like 10 PM. A lot of miles had been ridden through. So there was a small cafeteria next to our hotel. We went there and ordered ourselves a roast pork with potato and noodles. I was amazed, we got like 100 gram portions for 180 RUB, that's like 7$! We were pretty pissed because of that! After that, we went to our rooms, in the hotel. The whole hotel was for us! We were very happy for that! Laughing throughout the night, we got to bed like 1:45 AM.

Ah the post is getting pretty long and exhausting to read and write. I'll write the other two days tomorrow probably.

Your blogwriter,