Sunday, June 6, 2010

St. Petersburg - from 03.06.10 to 05.06.10

I went to Russia - St. Petersburg to be exact. The trip lasted for 3 days and I went there by bus with my class and eleventh graders. Ride was long and exhausting, but we made it to Russia and back and happily!

The first day - Thursday 03.06. I woke up 3:45 AM, having just enough time to wash myself, pack my things, eat and drive 2,5km to school. The bus headed out 5:00 AM, then I realised, that I had forgotten home my playing cards. Oh well, so on our way to Russia, we made a pee-stop at a random gas station just before Jõhvi. We had like an hour drive to go to the border. Unluckily we had to stand at the border for almost three hours.

Arriving to Russia was clearer than the difference of black and white - everything was so damaged and like in the old times(soviet union times). Even the 10 year olds steal there. The roads had more holes than the Dutch cheese! Luckily the gas was 2 times cheaper than in Estonia. Firstly we went to Peterhoff, what is a small 80 000 population suburb of St. Petersburg, there was a summer palace with 150 fountains if i remember correctly. It was amazing! I've never seen so much gold and fountains combined together! Unfortunately I had a stomach ache, so I couldn't enjoy it to the fullest. We were there for about 3 hours. Then we headed to St.Petersburg. I got pretty sleepy and sleeped for like 3 hours, meanwhile we had been stuck in heavy traffic. When we got to the place where we could go on a boat what sailed around the canals, we found out, that it happened to be really cheap and we could go right away. The canal ride, was awesome! We saw most of the old city and city centre within 1 hour! So, the canals were awesome, we started driving out of the city to our hotel. We got there like 10 PM. A lot of miles had been ridden through. So there was a small cafeteria next to our hotel. We went there and ordered ourselves a roast pork with potato and noodles. I was amazed, we got like 100 gram portions for 180 RUB, that's like 7$! We were pretty pissed because of that! After that, we went to our rooms, in the hotel. The whole hotel was for us! We were very happy for that! Laughing throughout the night, we got to bed like 1:45 AM.

Ah the post is getting pretty long and exhausting to read and write. I'll write the other two days tomorrow probably.

Your blogwriter,

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