Monday, June 7, 2010

The second day of the Russian trip

So, I'll go on where I finished yesterday. The second day - 04.06.10, Friday.

We woke up at 7:00 AM, because the breakfast was at 7:30 AM, so we had enough time to clean ourselves. Atleast enough time for me! The breakfast was pretty disgusting, one and a half boiled wieners, some salad, sandwiches(pretty awful bread and ham), and dessert was some dry pancakes with something what tried to be a cherry marmelade. Breakfast thrown down the throat, we headed to the bus.

At first we went to a supermarket and arrived there like 9:40 AM. We were like WEE atlast, something to eat - MacDonalds, but then I spotted KFC! Unluckily Me and my Friend had to wait at the door for like ten minutes, because they opened it from 10:00 AM. The clock ticked 10:00 AM and a lady opened the door. We thought and discussed what to eat and we found a solution - Chicken bucket! 30 Chicken wings! Ahh they were delicious and the bucket costed only like 15$! All our diastematics were filled with chicken. A bit of spicyness on the tongue - excellent! Having our tummys full, we headed to the bus. I don't remember exactly where the bus took us, but it was some kind of palace, where there was the world famous amber room. Pretty huge palace I would say! Everything was covered with gold, as usual. After the walkaround the palace, we had some time to buy souvenires, but I didn't like anything, nothing special to buy. The next sightseeing was the Hermitage. It used to be a winter palace, but now it's one of the biggest, if not the biggest, museums in the whole world. Having about 3 million pieces of art in there. It was awesome! I really liked it, although I was quite tired. If I remember correctly, we didn't do anything more that day. We went to a supermarket again and again I visited KFC. Off to our hotel! The night was pretty long! Some people played "Michael Jackson Game", so they ran like supermans inside the hotel, wearing only underwear. We were beaten to bed at 2:30 AM, we would have liked to be up a hour or so more. That was pretty sad.

Ahhhh, again I wrote it so long. I hope you don't mind if I write the 3rd day, what's shorter tomorrow. I know I promised to write the other 2 days yesterday, but I feel very tired because of my training.

Your blogwriter,

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