Saturday, June 19, 2010

The last days

Firstly I would say sorry to all of you, who were waiting for me to write something. I hope there are people who are always happy to see me posting again, hehe.

So, I went on a road trip on 13th of june and got home on 17th of june. Over 1000 km were driven. We started from Tallinn, first day headed to Saaremaa. By the way, I'm halfly from Saaremaa. We got on the ferry right away, so we didn't have to wait. We made a sauna tent, it was almost like a real sauna, freaking awesome! Saaremaa was supercool!

The next day, we went to Tõstamaa - near Pärnu. We worked a bit, in reward we had free food and sauna. It's nice to be at the countryside for some time.

Now we're in the 3rd day of the trip and we went to Valga. My brother's girlfriend's parents live there. We worked a little bit again, but the sauna was super! I've never been to so good sauna before! Excellent!

4th Day was tourist day, we went to Suur Munamägi, Piusa caves and Taevaskoja. Tired of being a stupid tourist, we set our wheels towards Tartu. A small shopping at Lõuna Keskus and off to RMK houses at Kauksi village. Kauksi is along the coast of Peipsi at north. The sky was clearest that day, to our luck! I'd love to go there some day again! And we woke up with a clear sky also!

On our way home, we went through Rakvere, and saw the Tarvas - a huge bull! We got home like 6-7 PM.

To summarize everything, I would say, Estonia is so beautiful! I hope I won't be leaving Estonia for a longer period of time, never! Here's so much places to be at! I love Estonia!

Your blogwriter,


  1. Don't forget to tell about the amount of alcohol we drank :D

  2. Hehe, yeah true, 8~ bottles of beer a day per face. Sweet!

  3. Okay, 8 bottles per face is a bit too much. :D anyway, like 60-70 litres were consumed in those days.

  4. Do you feel superior if you post in English?

  5. Nah, I just do it in English, because in that way I help myself getting better in it. Oh, and not all the readers are Estonian! Cheer up, mate!

  6. Odd because it seems to me all your followers are Estonian. You must have some other information about your readers then...

  7. Well, yeah, Google analytics FTW!

  8. Google analytics näitab sulle igasuguseid tolbajoobe. Vaata, kui palju nendest teistest riikidest pärit inimesed keskmiselt su saidil on, Analytics näitab seda. Ma pakun, et see jääb umbes 4 sekundi kanti...

  9. kahjuks ühe riigi puhul ei ole nii, keskmine vaatamine on kuskil minuti kanti
